๐๏ธArkanys Arena
Introduction :
Arkanys Arena is a MOBA-style mobile game featuring single-player, team and multiplayer arena battles.
Coming soon to PC: Dedicated to crypto users only.
Over 2 million Play-to-Earn players to conquer (this is the number of Play-to-Earn players in 2023)
Available in 2025 on Mobile IOS & Android: Opening up to the world...
More than 3.2 billion players to conquer (this is the number of players in all categories worldwide in 2023).
GamePlay :
Prepare your team with your main hero, creatures from Tokenia, battle towers and arena spells.
Enter the arena with the power of Arkanys' fragments.
Pilot your Hero, deploy your Creatures and Towers, cast your best Spells.
Defeat the enemy and collect Arkanys Fragments.
Collect Chests, Gold Ecus, Blueprints, Vials, Elixirs and more.
Build your heroes' power battle by battle.
Develop the power of your Creatures with Monster Elixirs and the Incubator.
Develop the power of your Towers with Tower Plans and the Factory.
Increase the power of your Spells with Spell Vials and the Condenser.
Return to the arena more powerful than ever.
Arkanys Arena offers an immersive, strategic gaming experience to satisfy players looking for competitive challenges.
This mode focuses on deck customization, resource management and progression through different battles and arenas, delivering a rich and captivating gameplay experience.
During combat, players deploy their units and cast spells using ETHER, the game's energy, a resource that regenerates automatically throughout the fight. Each unit and spell has an ETHER cost, forcing players to make strategic decisions on how to manage their resources to deploy their troops effectively and win the battle.
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