Arena Boss

The first arena boss is the first player to arrive.

To become an arena boss, you must emerge victorious from the battle against the current boss.

Then, the arena offers you the chance to become the next arena Boss. You can refuse, but if you accept, you also accept the fact that if you lose the first fight, you'll drop back to the previous arena. You should also bear in mind that you'll be under a lot of pressure until you lose and are demoted.

On the other hand, there are plenty of advantages too... When you're a boss in an arena, you don't have to spend ARKS or ETHER when you fight.

Fighters will have to fight you to prove their worth and move up to the next arena. But of course, most importantly, arena bosses are rewarded with Arkanys fragments. Earnings are 10x higher than in the current arena.

It might be worth taking advantage of this for a moment

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