Heroes of the Refuge
The Refuge is available in the Sacred Land created by the Sage, also known as Little Tokenia.
The Refuge offers inexperienced heroes to fighters, with the aim of turning them into true champions.
Only certain heroes from the new world are available. These heroes start the adventure with no experience and no basic genetic abilities.
Fighting is the best way to gain experience. To develop genetic abilities, these heroes must survive the ordeal of the Hall of Spirit and Time.
At first, they're weak adventurers, needing to show courage, win battles, climb level ladders, develop, create and master spells, then fight their way through the greatest dungeons to reach the lands of the vast world of Tokenia. Then, in the more distant future, acquire the power needed to develop the Aura of Arkanys fragments to join the Kingdom of Heaven.
How to obtain these heroes :
Revealed soon...
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