โ™ป๏ธAn Innovative Business Model

The recycling symbol is a perfect illustration of our business model, as it faithfully represents the system we have designed: a model in which financial flows are constantly renewed, operating autonomously. We call it a circular economy model.

In our game, all Arkanys Fragments (our Utility Token) functions are designed to sustain the Play-to-Earn reward pool, thanks to an innovative algorithmic system. This mechanism automatically regulates the reward pool, stabilizing the entire financial model.

What is the main problem with current Play-to-Earn systems? Existing Play-to-Earn models rely heavily on the continuous influx of new players. The more new entrants there are, the greater the funds in the reward pool. However, these systems tend to collapse as the flow of new players diminishes.

Our solution? We spent months developing an innovative business model that allows the game's economy to operate in complete autonomy. After intensive development and testing, we are proud to announce that this model will be implemented with the launch of Arkanys alpha.

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